Where Did Their Voices Go?

 Where Did Their Voices Go?

Taking a look at some antiwar voices that we don't always hear in the media.

What is Antiwar.com?

Antiwar.com was launched in December 1995 during the Bosnian war. They describe themselves as "a sounding board of interest to all who are concerned about U.S. foreign policy and its implications." Antiwar.com cites sources from all sides of the political sphere. They work hard to keep a distinction between fact and opinion. Antiwars prides itself on providing the public with the fact of what's going on in foreign policy without swaying to one political view or another. Antiwar.com was set up to create what is known as "citizen experts" which are citizens who are informed and up to date on current affairs. Its goal was to allow the citizens to get informed on the current foreign affairs of the U.S. They consider themselves an "America first" American patriot. Antiwar .com prepares for its future where it has to go against the grain of the Warhawk voices. They know that there are many people out there that want peace but they aren't willing to put in the work to get there. 

What is TheAmericanConservative.com?

As proclaimed by The American Conservative  "The American Conservative exists to advance a "Main Street" conservatism that opposes unchecked power in government and business, promotes the flourishing of families and communicates through vibrant markets and free people, and embraces realism and restraint in foreign affairs based on America's vital national interest." Essentially The American Conservative was launched in 2002 to help give people an outlet to share views that might not always support what the government is doing. They want to conserve what they claim is the best part of America and that is the right of the public to criticize the government. When I was looking at their website I was expecting to see a lot of articles about political policy but to my surprise, the first article I saw was called "The Passing of the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit", this article was about the rise of business casual and how it has left men confused and adrift.

Why can't we hear their voices?

While peace is better for the people and the citizens of the U.S., it's not good for the strong businesses of America. Without war, news outlets would have to start reporting on the troubles that we have in America which would hurt many political agendas. War keeps the citizens distracted away from what's going on in America. We often find that these voices are silenced because while they are trying to help out the citizens of America those voices aren't stronger than the powerful ruling class of America. As for the more general issues that were discussed on Theamericanconservative.com, I would say that the reason we don't hear much about the issues they bring up is that many of them are what my generation likes to call "hot takes." Their voices aren't as strong because they go against what is becoming normalized in society.


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