This Is A "Safe" Space


My Take on Digital Privacy


I had always known that my life online was monitored by someone out there. This concept got widely popular when people discovered that Alexa and Google Home were always listening to what you say. It was never a surprise when you would mention something in a conversation, like a cruise for example, and then later that day you would receive all kinds of ads for cruise lines. When this occurs we often make a joke about how there is always someone listening and then we move on with our lives. The truth is that it's not just people who are listening to it's people who are gathering data on your life and your daily patterns.


The digital monitoring of our lives is something that was kept hidden from people for a long time. I would almost go as far as saying if it weren't for Edward Snowden leaking global surveillance documents and Facebook getting caught selling people's data, then this matter wouldn't be as popular. I was born in 2002 and as I was growing up we got introduced to the new iPod and eventually the I iPhone. Every generation before me wasn't as technologically advanced. We didn't realize it at the time but the more technologically advanced we became, the more privacy we lost. I believe that this matter of privacy is more important today than it was say 25 years ago because my whole generation has grown up under the surveillance of technology.


The simple answer is to ditch technology. They can't monitor us if we don't give them an opportunity. But that would never happen because in order for us to distance ourselves from the technology we would have to distance ourselves from the world. The next best thing would be to get some protection by law. Use our voice as the people and demand the government gives us digital protection. But what are the odds of that ever happening? Essentially the best thing that you can do is be aware of what's going on. Actually, read the Terms and Agreements contracts when you sign up for something. Read the Digital Privacy contracts when you download something. Recently a friend told me about a web browser called Duck Duck Go. Apparently, that web browser doesn't track your searches. Simply put, the best way to protect your digital privacy is to keep yourself informed and pay attention to what you agree to.


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